
TrueID aims to unlock great value for both businesses and consumers by establishing the trust needed to make digital financial services accessible at scale.

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TrueID Products

Empowering the digital economy with AI

EKYC onboarding

Ensure the Security of Applications through a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE).

AML Screening

Designed and Optimized based on to the Business Operations.

Biometric Authentication

Ensure Data Integrity in the Data Transmission from Client to Server.

Video KYC

Enhancing productivity and cost-efficiency by preventing unauthorized API calls.

Why choose our TrueID service?

Streamline customer acquisition
Streamline customer acquisition

Less than 2 minutes to verify and open a new account

Improve customer experience
Improve customer experience

Simple identity verification process across multiple touchpoints

Combat identity fraud
Combat identity fraud

Fraud detection and alert using AI, even for cases commonly overlooked by human reviewer

Automate and optimize operation
Automate and optimize operation

More than 80% reduction in effort for manual data entry and application review

Our Certifications